Love & Money
The word "love" brings to mind heart-felt emotions, while "money" brings to mind the nuts and bolts of life. It might seem that one is, and should be, disconnected from the other. The reality is that our financial resources are but one more gift given to us by our generous God through which we are to extend love.
Financial support of our parish provides one powerful way for each of us to extend love in tangible, impactful ways beyond our personal "worlds." Through parish ministries, we extend love to the bedside of the sick and home-bound, we participate in educating our children in the faith, we comfort grieving families—and so much more!
Why Should I Give?
As good stewards, we come to the realization that everything we have, every blessing, every breath, is a gift from God. He has generously given us everything we need with the exception that in love and gratitude we share what we have with His Church and with those in need.
Your financial support enables our parish to operate and provide ministries to people in our community and beyond; to extend love beyond the limits or our individual reach.
How Much Should I Give?
Financial support of the parish, given in love, is more than a number on a giving chart, a gift of habit, or a quickly picked "comfortable" dollar amount. The question of how much to give rests between each individual and God. The answer can only be found in prayerful, honest reflection of the true extent of God's generosity to us.
Faithful stewards understand that all we have, including our financial resources, is only ours to manage in this life according to God's plan and that God's generosity to us knows no bounds. The example of Christ's sacrifice stands before us. How will we respond?
How Can I Give?
Loose cash placed in the offering baskets at Mass will not appear on your giving statement. Your statement WILL include cash placed in an offering envelope with your parish ID # and/or name.
Checks should be made out to Nativity of the Lord Catholic Church. Your giving statement will include donations made by check.
Parishioners may select to share their treasure by utilizing weekly envelopes or by online giving. With online giving you control how much and how often you contribute. You can change your contribution any time you wish. All bank information is strictly confidential and only you have this information. You may contribute by savings or checking account or by credit card. You will need the account number along with the routing number to your financial institution to complete the registration.