The Catholic Mass
The Mass or Eucharist is the source of the Catholic Faith and the summit of our relationship with Jesus. Through the Mass we meet Christ: in the person of the priest, in the community gathered, in the Word of God proclaimed and in His Body and Blood. It is at the Sunday Liturgy (another word for Mass) that the Body of Christ, the Catholic community comes together to worship our Lord.
If it has been a while since you attended Mass or you are from another Christian faith tradition, the Catholic Mass can sometimes be confusing. Don’t worry, after the first or second visit, you will be a pro. To get started click on the video and link to learn more.
We want to welcome and encourage you to come to church during Liturgy and worship. Ushers are friendly and happy to give you directions. Father Carmelo would enjoy the opportunity to meet and get to know you better. The parish that prays together, stays together.